Sunday 9 August 2015

Your Questions About Womens Shoes Size 13

Ruth asks…

What size shoe do the Women on here wear?

I wear a size men's 5.5-6 US (7-7.5 in women's) and I'm 5' 6" tall. How stretched out/ruined or ripped would my shoes be if you managed to squeeze your foot into them? First one that thinks they could tear them apart if they really tried and how, gets the points.

Our pick of the answers:

You have tiny feet. Most of my guy friends wear like a 12 or 13, and those people are 15. I wear an 8 in womens.

Lizzie asks…

What would happen to a man's feet in mens size 11 shoes if he wore a womens size 11 for a long period of time?

Since it is a such smaller size, Would it reshape the man's feet to be accustomed to women's shoes? Lol i'm not asking about the toes shape, nor the orientation of the foot. I am asking about the shape of the foot overall because of the difference in how womens shoes are shaped. can I get an intellectual answer?

Our pick of the answers:

I don't think you would be able to get your feet into a women's size 11 of you wear a men's size 11. Men's shoes (in the US) run two sizes smaller than a women's shoe. So a men's size 11 would be a women's size 13. Otherwise, I believe that you would probably have some discomfort depending on exactly what shoe and how differently they are shaped.

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If you're interested, read more here womens shoes

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