Friday 14 August 2015

Your Questions About Shoes For Women On Sale

Jenny asks…

Shoe sales men: if they give you a card, but you don't try any shoes on....?

Let's say you discussed whether a shoe was in stock in a size, which it was not, and he pulled out his card & said you can call him & order it. No trying on shoes or anything. Whole conversation lasted 5 seconds. So, it's not like he did a lot of work for you. Is it rude to go to another sales person the next time you are in? (for example a woman, maybe you are more comfortable w/ a woman? ) I mean, I believe it is the customer's choice to pick which sales person they would like to do business with, not necessarily the first one to say "hello" or give them a card, am I right?

Our pick of the answers:

You are absolutly right. YOU are the customer and you get to choose who you do business with. I'm a supervisor at a deparment store, and am over a commissioned department, and can say without a doubt that the next time you come in, you should go to whomever you feel most comfortable with. However, if you are browsing the department, and ask one salesmen a few questions, he will probably tag you as HIS customer in his own mind, so if you choose to buy something that day, he may expect you follow through with him. I would suggest that you begin doing business with the sales person you want to finnish with. They are trained to get their customers starting at "hello", so you may tell sales people that you don't plan on doing business with that you're just looking right now, but You'll let them know if you need any help.

Ruth asks…

Need help finding these shoes for my wedding.? I really love these shoes, but they are a little out of my price range. I'd like to spend less than $75 on some shoes like these. I will choose a best response It doesn't need to be this exact shoe, just one that is very similar

Our pick of the answers:

Maybe dsw or nine west they always have sales mostly dsw. I have gotten shoes at both places before, and the shoes last a long time many to chose from. Good luck on your wedding day i hope everything goes well =D

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