Saturday 1 August 2015

Your Questions About Heels

Donna asks…

How do you make heels more comfortable to walk in?

Do you have any tricks to making heels more comfortable? Have you tried gel inserts? I love high heels but they make the balls of my feet hurt so bad from slamming against the ground all day. Is there any help or do all women just suck it up and deal with it? Yeah, I haven't actually tried inserts yet... I wear heels maybe once every two months at most, I'm not worried about the damage. Just worried about being more comfortable when I DO wear them. I'll try the inserts, thanks!

Our pick of the answers:

Yes ma'am the gel inserts are heavenly! : ) I think they are a must have. I also like to use the small sticky gel inserts for whatever pressure points you may also feel when you stand in whatever particular pair of heels. You can buy variety packs, which are great. I once had a pair of very uncomfortable heels (but looked great with a particular outfit...) but after I covered them (almost every spot that could rub or press, hahaha) with all the gel inserts, it was like walking on air! Whoo! Anyway, try them, they will make your life MUCH easier! Also, try and make sure the heels fit well, a lot of women size up in heels because they feel better when they try them on, but it actually causes more pain after you WALK in them for more than a few steps around the shoe store. only other suggestion is don't forget to kick them off every time you can get away with it! (You know, when you can't see your feet because you are sitting at a desk or table.) Oh, and I actually carry the gel insert variety pack for pressure points in my purse. It's really just a must have! Good luck!

Lisa asks…

How do you wear heels for longer periods?

Whenever i go to a function or whatever wearing heels, it seems im not able to go more than 1-2 hours without my feet hurting and i end up going barefoot. And im a bit jealous of the girls that that go the whole night in heels. My friend says that because i dont wear heels much ive never gotten used to them. I can walk in them OK, but how do you get used to them so that I can wear them longer? Thanks...

Our pick of the answers:

Don't do this to your feet. Wearing them longer will gradually get your feet used to them, but it'll do so by misshaping them. The damage caused by 'getting used to' high heels gives a lot of people a lot of foot trouble in later years. Not only will it damage your feet, but your entire skeletal structure is thrown off by heels, so it can even cause knee- and back-pain. If your body hurts it's trying to tell you something, leave the high heels to other people, you may be jealous now but they'll be jealous of you thirty years down the road when you're walking just fine and they're suffering from the damage done in their younger years.

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If you're interested, read more here high heels

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