Saturday 27 June 2015

Your Questions About Ladies Shoes For Men

Sandy asks…

What is the proper way to trim men's nails?

I was brought up thinking it was proper for a man to trim his nails straight across, not rounding the corners, to reduce hangnails and ingrowns; in fact it looks like nail clippers are designed to do just that. If that is the case, why then are they so tiny? I have to use toe clippers on my fingers to get a nail off in one clip, and heaven forbid if I need to clip my toenails. My nails are not any bigger than anyone elses, mind you. Any suggestions?

Our pick of the answers:

Follow the natural curve of your nail! You won't get ingrowns on your hands, that's just your toes, they should be cut straight across. Wearing shoes most of then time can cause your toe nails to grow in. I have to use toe nail clippers, too, my nails are strong. Please use a nail file! Your wife or girfriend will thank you for having smooth nails when you want to get intimate, trust me! I have introduced every man in my life to the nail file early on, lol! I can't get graphic, but just think about it! Ragged, jagged nails are no fun. Don't be afraid to invest in a nail brush if you get dirt under them, too. That's a major turn-off! So are rough callouses. Use a pumice stone, hand and foot scrub, or something on them. If you suffer from dry or cracked hands, use a good lotion, at least before bed and after you shower. Udderly Smooth is a great one! Ladies love a man with clean, smooth, well-groomed nails and hands!

Mary asks…

What is the movie where a man catches an elf-like creature then eventually helps him?

It's a childhood memory i have of this movie and i remember the man taking something that belongs to the creature and caging him, he soon realizes the creature can speak. I also remember the creature saying "Me want Lumen" and if i am correct he refers to a crystal like shard as "Lumen". Answers are gladly appreciated, thank you.

Our pick of the answers:

A Gnome Named Gnorm (1990) aka Upworld starring Mike Avery as Gnorm, Anthony Michael Hall, Jerry Orbach, Claudia Christian, Eli Danker, Robert Z'Dar IMDb synopsis: Gnorm is just an average gnome. But he wants to impress the lady gnomes by doing something heroic. So he steals the gnomes' magic stones to expose them to sunlight to recharge them. When he gets to the surface (gnomes live deep underground), he witnesses a murder, and the killer ends up with his stones. Detective Casey, who was working a sting operation with the murdered man (another detective) is blamed for botching the sting and causing the death. Wanting to catch the killer to clear his name, he teams up with Gnorm, whom he accidentally discovers. The "Lumen" bit sounds very familiar, and I thought of this film first though I haven't seen it for at least 15 years. I'm looking around to see if I can find what the stones are called, as they could be the shards you describe. EDIT: This is the correct movie! I found this odd post on the IMDb forum: Upworld crazy? You bet! I think what our little mythical gnome is trying to tell us is that we are moving way too fast technologically to keep up socially, economically, spiritually, etc. There is a vast divide that has been created by our obsessive drive towards modernization, or more specifically - enlightenment. Gnorm's message weighs heavily in its simplicity: Lumen, upworld crazy. The lumen is the light of quiet harmony enjoyed by those which coexist with nature on a level that is respectful and submissive (trees, rocks, instinctual organisms). Gnorm is representative of this, having come to us from the bosom of the earth below our shoe-clad tootsies.

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