Thursday 28 May 2015

Your Questions About Court Shoes Squash

Sharon asks…

I get really embarrassed really easily?

Like, if a teacher asks me a question, even when I know the answer and get it right, I get embarrassed, things that have happened in the past still embarrass me. I'm so nervous when it comes to class work and answering out loud, I get angry with myself when I think of anything embarrassing i've done especially when it's stupid! At the minute our changing rooms are being re-done so all the girls have to get changed in the squash court, while it is cut off from everybody else, there is still around twenty other girls to get changed in front of and no where to hide... this makes me embarrassed just thinking about it! How can I be less embarrassed all the time? :/

Our pick of the answers:

Don't worry it's normal to get embarrassed a lot. You have to remember that embarrassment is purely a mental thing; you can beat it if you want to. The chances are that there's nothing to be embarrassed about anyway, so try to brush it off as much as you can. Stop thinking about it. I used to get incredibly embarrassed, so much so that I avoided people all the time... Then I realised that nobody really cared except me and I should just stop caring so much. I mean, think about it. Do you really think anyone cares about you answering in class? Do you think that when you answer a question, they're like "Oooh! She answered a question, she should be embarrassed!" No, because that's silly and it's totally unrealistic to think like that. You just have to think rationally, put yourself in their shoes and realise that you're just another person to them - you have no cause to be embarrassed, so try to let it go and even laugh about it. Those girls are probably just as embarrassed by getting changed in front of other girls too. Who wouldn't be? But the truth is, embarrassment is pointless, because guess what - everyone has insecurities. You won't care about those girls getting changed in front of YOU, right? So why do you think they'll care about you? Especially if you don't really know most of them. Just get on with it like a pro, pretend you're the only one in the room. What's the worst that can happen anyway? There's nothing you can't handle when you let yourself have confidence. Imagine you're a supermodel if you have to! That's what I used to do, then I'd start laughing about it afterwards. And don't forget to smile, these trivial things will get better. Good luck you have my vote :D

Ruth asks…

My foot hurts? hmmmmmm?

My foot hurts right around my big, second and third toes. It starts at the top of my toes, and the pain continues about one fourth of my foot. Any idea on what might be wrong? Oh, and it's a shooting pain when I walk. Thanks!

Our pick of the answers:

Hello there. A 'shooting' type pain is commonly a nerve pain, or result of a nerve being compressed or disrupted. In the long bones of the foot (the metatarsals) small nerves run in between them. It is very common for these to get 'squashed' by the bones. This causes a 'shooting' like pain into the toes. This is usually the result of tight fitting footwear (obviously common in ladies who were tight fitting court shoes). This condition is called a morton's neuroma, they can be very common. They usually present in between the 3rd and 4th toe space, but can occur in the others as well. If this is what you are suffering from and my quick description matches your problem then you need to look at what might be causing compression of your foot, such as tight fitting footwear, your foot type etc. Nerve pain responds very well to ice or ice massage, so try this on the affected foot. Regards, Lloyd

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