Sunday 25 October 2015

Your Questions About Ladies Shoes On Sale

Maria asks…

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, PLEASE. I need to know for my Psychology class. Please tell me if you are male or female, and how many pairs of shoes you own. Thanks!

Our pick of the answers:

I'm female and I have 10 pairs that I actually wear 3 pairs of trainers, 1 pair of work shoes, 2 pairs of dolly shoes, 2 pairs of wedges, 2 pairs of flip flops, Oh and about 5 pairs of high heels I that see in the sales and can't resist buying even though I know I'll probably never wear them, or get about 10 steps out the door and be in too much pain that I have to go back and change lol!

Nancy asks…

How to get consignment goods like ladies fashion/handbags.?

I would like to set up a small shop selling handmade jewellery. But the problem is that I need to sell other things as well to make the shop look more occupied instead of just my handmade items. How should I go about getting consignment goods like ladies fashion and handbags?

Our pick of the answers:

The other issue is you need to keep your costs of materials down. Use the Goodwill resale model with this spin. You own a consignment store and you need product, right. Go to several local churches and coordinate a drop off point for clothes, handbags, shoes & jewelry. Make a commitment to donate some percent of the proceeds back to the church that had the donation site and make a commitment that anything not sold will get donated to a local not for profit that specializes in getting people back on their feet. FYI-Goodwill does not give clothing to those that need it. They sell it to them. You could also go to garage sales on early Thursdays or early Fridays. Work a deal with one of the churches so you can say to the person having the garage sale you are looking for clothing donations for the church (or some other good cause). Tell them you can give then a receipt for anything they donate. Also tell them if they would like you would be happy to swing by at the end of their sale and pick up any of the clothing they want to get rid of at that point. Again, what you don't want you can re-donate so there is no waste!!! Here is the WIIFM (What's In It For Me): 1. People mostly have garage or estate sales to get rid of stuff. The money is nice, but in the case of clothing they are looking for closet space. You are helping them! 2. The congregation gets to empty their closet of things they no longer need and help their church at the same time as you are giving some part of the proceeds back to the donating church.. 3, The church has a new fund raiser without any effort and without the need fgor volunteers. You just pick one Sunday a month where you ar eon lite to pick up! You get free product for your store. If an item doesn't sell within your rotation (Check out Goodwill & value village pricing and discount strategies and copy them. Both companies are very good retailers staffed by managers from Macy's, Fred Meyer. Wal Mart, etc and know what they are doing and are extremely good at it) If it sells you give some of the proceeds back and get a tax deduction for a cash charitable contribution. Maybe 10%? Given the purchase of product will cost you three or four times more than that you are getting a great deal. SWEET!

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