Tuesday 22 December 2015

Your Questions About Ladies Shoes For Men

Helen asks…

Should a law be passed requiring men to get a Pedicure before putting on flipflops or open toe sandals?

I am so tired of seeing nasty looking feet and toes on men ( and some women too! ) when the weather starts getting warm. So, what do you think.....should a law be passed for this?

Our pick of the answers:

O yes!! I totally agree. The law should be for men and women!! I was out in my city on Saturday night and saw so many rusty, crusty,nasty feet that night.And ladies paint your toes please!! Even if it's a light color cuz your feet are not cute without it.And I live by that rule.I paint my own toes cuz I do nail art and that night I hadn't finished them so I had on closed-toed shoes.We need to spend the word!!

Sharon asks…

How attractive does a nice business suit help make a man?

Friend of mine told me that women have told him that good looking business suits on men is like lingerie is for women. So does having a nice business suit and tie with dress slacks, dress shoes, etc. make a man look good? If so why or why not? This is what my feeling or impression of it is. Women like successful men with class, status, prestige, good jobs etc. Wearing an expensive suit conveys that a man has all of that. I have a business and I wear khaki pants with a polo shirt for a uniform. Wearing a suit and tie with my business is completely impractical and would make me look stupid. I never have a reason to put on a suit and tie as I am not going to dress up and go for some drinks or dinner in a suit and tie unless it is for a formal date.

Our pick of the answers:

It doesn't make a guy look attractive to me, but it does make me feel pretty worthless and sad. A man who appears successful as well as attractive is often very intimidating and not a guy that I would want to be around. Most of those successful guys have had tons of experiece using women for sex, and will probably sense your weakness. Most of these hardcore buisness men actually scare me because a buisnessman actually screwed me when I was 18, literally 90 lbs, and attractive.. One of them banged me....well its me peaches, so you seen my photo.. Most of these buisness men prefer you be 18 years young...t, most of these women are probably unaware of it and spread their legs anyways. Most of these succesful guys spent their college years and youth being the nerdy guy that no girl wanted. They don't want to spend their successful years banging an old lady..would you? They like young girls that are 18... The want the best, they worked hard for what they got

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If you're interested, read more here Your Questions About Ladies Shoes For Men

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