Thursday 3 December 2015

Your Questions About Ladies Shoes For Men

Carol asks…

When my sister and I go walking, my feet start tingling and then my toes go numb. What causes this?

My sister and I go walking everyday for 45 minutes. After about two rounds around the track the balls of my feet and my toes start burning and tingling. Then they go numb. I have a new pair of Reebok walking shoes and I've even tried loosening the lases. What could be causing this?

Our pick of the answers:

Your shoes are too tight. I find that I always need to buy men's runners because of the width. Now a days you can get ladies shoes in a wide enough width, so I would spend the extra money and get a running shoe that fits your foot properly and allows your feet to circulate properly.

Mary asks…

What do you believe will happen in the Us elections?

Will the US citizens, elect their first lady, first black man, or oldest candidate, in to the White house. Please answer this question respectfully, no sexist, racist, or ageist answers please. I would like the opinions of decent minded US citizens from all walks of life.

Our pick of the answers:

At this juncture it looks like for the Democrats to win, they will need to elect a joint Obama-Hilary ticket. I'm not sure either would settle for the veep spot, but as the race lengthens people are becoming more attached. With older Dem voters, women and Hispanics you have to take race into account. Many of them would potentially vote for McCain if Obama won or stay home disappointed. On the other end you have blacks, young people and intellectuals who love Obama and despise Clinton. If he doesn't get on the ticket, they're going to raise hell and probably just stay home. Depending on the situation Bloomberg, the mayor of NYC, could jump in depending on what happens at the DNC. One thing is certain though, the Democratic nominee WILL be chosen at the DNC short of one or the other conceding. It will most likely be a shady backroom deal type thing. If Hilary comes out the winner despite not winning the delegate count or the popular vote (she would have to get 60% of the vote in all remaining primaries/caucuses), it will reek or corruption and turn many voters away from the Democrats. Also depends on who Mr. McCain picks for his running mate. He needs to walk a fine line between pissing off his "base" (his base is actually moderates, not the religious nutbags who crap on the Constitution in the name of "security") and moderates. He needs to appoint someone young for sure, but if he appointed a moderate Dem he may be unstoppable (think Joe Lieberman though Lieberman has denied he is interested). If he goes for someone like George Allen he could get crazy conservatives to vote in mass, but could turn off moderates and independents. WAY too many variables for anyone to make a definitive conclusion. Hilary probably cannot beat McCain but many feel she would be better at getting things done (despite her actually having less experience than Obama). Obama is almost a shoe-in if he wins the nomination, but that could change if there is a terrorist attack or some international security issue.

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