Thursday 9 May 2013

Your Questions About Stilettos Nails

Ruth asks…

Are pointy fingernails the new trend?

Just came back from Europe and a bunch of people had stiletto looking nails. Was wandering if this is a new trend. They are basically an inch long and very pointy. Has anyone ever had their nails done like this? Would you try it?

Our pick of the answers:

That sounds dangerous! I would definitely end up hurting myself, and it doesn't sound too attractive to me, either.

Donna asks…

fake toe nails (homecomming comming up)?

So both my big toe nails have fallen of but it's not like all of it fell of just most of it and on the other top layers fell of but not much length It's all uneven because there are more layers on some parts than others. Homecoming is comming up at the end of september so I'm self conscience about it. Closed toe shoes are not an option because there isn't anything I really like because it's not like I'm going to wear stilettos or anything to homecomming. Everybody wears sandle heals because you know it's like really early fall so it's warm out. I want to get fake toe nails. I won't have them on long a weeks tops. Then I will go back and get them removed. But I'm not sure if they can do them on me because they are uneven. Maybe I can go like this weekend or next weekend and have them fixed like maybe that can clean them up make them even ect. Do they even do that? My Questions: Should I get fake toe nails? Can nail places fix your toe nails and make them kind even and nice looking? (they will still be short)

Our pick of the answers:

You can always call a salon that does pedicures and ask them. You could also just buy a package of large nails that you attach with adhesive and use the thumb nails on your big toes. By the way - it's spelled "homecoming" and "coming" - no need for double m's.

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