Wednesday 2 May 2012

Your Questions About High Heels Without Heel

Helen asks…

Why don't high heels without a strap stay on my feet but do for other people?

No matter what they will not stay on my feet if they don't have a strap on them, my heel pops out. But I see plenty of women walking around in heels without a strap, is there some kind of secret i clearly don't know about here lol?

Our pick of the answers:

You kinda have to use your feet muscles to make them stay on your feet. I sometimes find my heels flopping up when I walk and I have to remind myself to make my feet stick to them. Try walking around the house using your feet to stick to the shoe. Make sure your mind is on that. You'll get so used to it that it will become second nature. Also, maybe your getting a size to big? I find all heels the same size fit so much differently. Try going to a shoes store when you have some time and try on all the heels to see which one feels the best. Good Luck!

Sharon asks…

How do you wear high-heels without getting sore?

I have a pair of heels with a strap across the back of my foot above the heel. No matter how often I wear them or if I put them up for a while, the next time I wear them, I bleed where the straps rub my skin. I've tried placing a band-aid between my skin and the strap, and loosening and tightening the straps, but this doesn't work. Does everybody have this problem? Okay, I should mention that the reason the band-aid doesn't work is because it gets rubbed off.

Our pick of the answers:

Yes! I bought a pair of gorgeous shoes and the back of the strap was texturized in a ruching sort of way. Well, it just about tore me up! I bought this stuff at the drug store called "moleskin" (sounds gross I kno). It is a padded nude piece of foam that you cut to size and put whereever the shoe is bothing you. Dr. Scholl's makes it. It stick right on your foot and if you cut it skinny enough to fit behind the strap, no one will ever know. I'm telling you, BUY IT. It sounds weird, but you will be happy. Works MUCH better than the band-aid.

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