Sunday 8 May 2016

Your Questions About Fox News

Mary asks…

Why is Fox News giving free media exposure to a couple of class clowns?

A few idiots decide to play retro over an ancient, long ago defunct organization(the surviving founding members of the original black panthers issued a joint statement declaring there was no such thing as a 'new' black panthers) and Fox News gives them tons of free media exposure. They're a nothing/nobody posse that doesn't matter to anyone. Don't they know the class clown acts up because he *wants* the attention?

Our pick of the answers:

Don't worry about it. The news is slow lately. And the fourteen year old Conservatives are just having fun stoking racial tensions.

Susan asks…

Why do people that watch Fox News refuse to accept the fact that Fox News is biased?

How can so many people be misled by a news channel which claims to be fair and balanced. Fox News is always attacking Obama and Democrats but not saying anything about the other side. What Fox News is doing is they're linking him with a loaded image of a horrible president if not the worst in U.S history.

Our pick of the answers:

At least they are honest~

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If you're interested, read more here Your Questions About Fox News

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