Monday 2 May 2016

Your Questions About Comandante

Susan asks…

spanish 2 help please!?

Diccionario: Give the word being defined 1. El comandante ______________________________________ 2. El que trabaja a bordo del avio`n; sirve a los pasajeros __________________________________________ ^what does that even say? and what do they mean give the word being defined? what word? 3. El lugar donde inspeccionan el equipaje de los pasajeros que llegan. __________________________________________________ Rewrite each sentence using the present progressive tense. 1. El asistente de vuelo mira (revisa) las tarjetas de embarque ______________________________________________ in you can expain to me WHEN you use present progressive. examples would help a lot. thank you

Our pick of the answers:

1. The commander ______________________________________ 2. The working aboard the wing `n; served to passengers ______________________________________... 3. The place where inspected the luggage of passengers who arrive. ______________________________________... 1. The wizard flight looks (revised) the boarding cards ______________________________________...

Sandra asks…

do you have a story about a Saint?

For example I am reading about a Bishop of Veracruz who infiltrated the revolutionary army in Mexico and confessed dying soldiers in disguise. He would say, "If there was a priest around, would you confess to him?" also when he was discovered, he was ordered to be execuited for suspicion of being a spy. His last wish before being shot was to eat a piece of bread. When they brought him one he asked for another. So they asked him, why he is so hungry. He told the "comandante", it is because he is a musician and he had to sell his instrument for food. So they asked him whathe plays, he said evrything, trumpet, piano, violin (which was true). So they walked over to an instrument store across the street and gave him an accordion. he played it so well that the liutenant was very impresssed and brought him that night to the bars and "less than holy places" to play and sing. After he was finished, the liutenant was drunk and told him, "you don´t need to be a priest or a cannon. You´re a good musician. Take these 20 pesos and the accordion so you´ll have food." ..uf. thank you thats long, I´ll read it tomorrow! St. Sebastian? Let me check...he wasn´t killed by the arrows.....

Our pick of the answers:

This isn't really a story about a saint, but when I was about to leave my crazy abusive husband and also worried about my son, I had a dream that I was sitting on a bench, and a man came and sat next to me. I started to notice little spots of blood coming through his suit and getting larger, and he said to me "Don't worry, it will be ok," but he meant that I would be ok, not that I shouldn't worry about him. And just before I woke up, I realized it was Saint Sebastian talking to me, bleeding from where he was shot with arrows. I'm not a Catholic, but it was the most comforting dream I've ever had.

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