Monday 28 March 2016

Your Questions About Fox News

Lizzie asks…

How has Fox news been able to get such good ratings?

The channel is one of the most biased channels on TV, fair and balanced my ass. How has this awful channel been able to do so well in the ratings, I have watched CNN, MSNBC, and FOX NEWS. Fox news just seems to be more in your face, fast paced news, more so than CNN or MSNBC, could that be why? Those this mean liberals usually get their news from the internet more than tv, and conservatives get their news mainly from FOX NEWS, that is the only reason that that channel could be so popular.

Our pick of the answers:

They have been the only station to expose the thieves, thugs, commies, perverts, anti and unAmerican people and ideas of the people that obama has surrounded himself with. There has not been one single of his henchmen that have expressed any PATRIOTIC ideas or programs, only new and bigger ideas of how to push corruption, deception, and plundering of America's treasury. He is obviously a Communist based on Marxism. A total failure in every country that has tried it. It fails because it based on stealing from the workers and then giving to the nonworkers. It is false and misleading to call him a Socialist. The 'redistribution of wealth' that he calls for is the basis of Communism and is nothing but a euphemism for stealing the workers blind. THis country never became 'grea t' by stealing money from the people and giving handouts to the lazy. Fox News is the ONLY TV that has presented all the hidden nastiness of Obama. They do try to present the good side of the news also but there is NO good side to Obama and his fellow travelers ideology.

Nancy asks…

How come Fox News does not simply read the news to the audience?

I remember when the news was read to us with objectivity and impartiality. We got the facts and very little personal opinion. Whenever I watch Fox News however, as opposed to simply delivering the news, they introduce some 'guest' with a biased opinion who is going to explain everything by way of subjective opinion before the viewer has been made aware of the facts. Why does the most 'trusted' name in news steer from reporting and instead into political debate?

Our pick of the answers:

Oh but you support the hate from msnbc huh !!!! Hypocrisy ia abound today!!!

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