Wednesday 23 March 2016

Your Questions About Fox News

Laura asks…

Why are Fox News and their viewers so against constitutional rights for others?

What's wrong with Obama's aides criticizing a so-called news channel? Isn't that their constitutional right? OOOOOoooooo!!! He's stifling dissent...Umm, then why is Fox News still, well, dissenting? Please tell me if he tries to shut down Fox News. Please don't go pre-emptive on me, because we know Cons don't exactly have a lot of luck with those types of predictions.

Our pick of the answers:

You obviously have no concept of what the 1st Amendment is all about.

Betty asks…

Why did Fox News immediately start talking about Eric Holder after news broke that ObamaCare was upheld?

I switched to Fox News less than 5 minutes after ObamaCare and the individ ual mandate was ruled to be constitutional, and the anchors were talking about Eric Holder and the Republican witch hunt over him. What happened? I thought this Supreme Court decision was supposed to be a big deal? Fox News had been hyping it up for the past few weeks. Then, they find out that ObamaCare was upheld, and the first thing they want to shift the subject to was Eric Holder?

Our pick of the answers:

Because they're the propaganda arm of the Replublican party. Goebels would be proud.

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