Wednesday 9 September 2015

Your Questions About Heels

Linda asks…

How many inches should my heels should I get for my 8th grade social?

I've never bought heels before so I'm a bit nervous. I'm about 5'1" and 90 pounds. Any suggestions?

Our pick of the answers:

1" or maybe 2" at the highest. It's not a good idea to go from never having worn heels before to wearing high heels all the sudden with no experience. This is especially true for a formal function. You need to start with low heels and get used to them outside of social situations where you won't embarras yourself if you stumble a little or even fall. Your social is not a good place to start your high heel wearing future. I would say 2" chunky heels would be safe for you with no previous heel-wearing experience. You need to wear something that's low enough so that you still have a nice graceful fluid walk and not shuffling or struggling which is unattractive.

Carol asks…

Whats the difference between running on your heels and your balls of your feet?

Whats the difference between running on your heels and your balls of your feet?

Our pick of the answers:

When you run on your balls, the stress is being placed on your calves and hamstrings. When you run on your heels, the stress is on the shins and the knees. Its better to run on your balls in sprints because you have more power and strength. In any distance event from the 800 to the marathon, its better to run either slightly front-footed (on your balls) or exactly parallel. Running on your heels is bad because it gives you shin splints, and it doesn't exercise your calf muscles, making them weaker. Running on your heels can injure your knees because it can only absorb the stress directly, unlike muscles which can flex to absorb the stress. Never run on your heels, no matter the distance. Adjust the exaggeration depending on the distance. Slightly on the balls for 5K's + to completely on the balls for a sprint.

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If you're interested, read more here Your Questions About Heels

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