Tuesday 23 October 2012

Your Questions About Heels Without Heel For Sale

Nancy asks…

Are these heels too high for a middle school dance?

So I'm in eighth grade, and of those that wear heels (about half the girls), most wear 3.5 or 4 inch heels to semiformal dances. We have a semiformal coming up and I was going to wear a pair of 3.5 inch pumps, but there's a pair of gorgeous heels at Forever 21 that have been severely marked down http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=sale&ProductID=2083698306&VariantID= They have a 4.5 inch heel, which isn't that much higher than what most girls wear. I've seen at least 4 or 5 girls wearing them that high. I'm wearing a knee-length high-necked elbow-sleeved dress with a waistband and flowy skirt, so about as modest as a dress can be without going back to the 1700's. Should I get them? They'd go with my dress PERFECTLY, and I can walk in high heels no problem.

Our pick of the answers:

Ahhh they look gorg!!! :) they also look fine to wear, plus who cares what other people think wear what you want! Other girls will be jealous you can walk in higher heels than them! HAHA Have fun at the dancee:} ps; soak your feet when you get home they'll kill like a mofo LOL *

Lizzie asks…

There are so many labels. Are people getting confused?

Okay, in my school, I'm known as best dressed. I'm friends with at least 1 or 2 people from each label. Skaters, "emos", preps, scene people, goths, etc. I don't stick to one style. So most people don't really label me as the normal labels. They say I'm a versatile fashionista. But I can't even wear liquid cat eye eyeliner without someone calling me "emo" or "scene". I can't wear 2 inch heels without being called a prostitute. Because I dress "fancy" all the time, have a "white" voice (I can't help that) and because I don't say is when I'm supposed to say are, people say I'm a "white" wannabe. Really? I "act" white? How can someone "act" white? I believe that no one can "act" black or white or anything. They can either act like they have some sense or act ghetto. People say I "act emo" because I don't act fake with everyone, I keep to myself, and I'm quiet. I get called a preppy scene kid when I wear pink and black cheetah print eyeshadow. People say I act better than everyone (or that I'm a b*itch) because I don't talk to people, which I do talk to people. I just don't talk to everyone because more than half of my friends have gotten jealous and turned on me. I'm just oh so sorry that I don't kiss up behind them. (sarcasm) Some people called me a prep because my friend posted a picture of me wearing an Abercrombie shirt one weekend. People know that I dislike Abercrombie and Aeropostale because they look like a plain shirt that someone found at a garage sale and slapped the name on it... And they know that I would never go out in public wearing clothes that plain. (Some of the clothes are cute though) Black guys at my school say that I think I'm too good for them. Well, if they can like white girls, I can like white guys... I hate labels? Do you hate them too? What do you think about them? (Don't get offended if you where Aeropostale or Abercrombie... We all have our opinions...) Sorry if this is long. It was just a place for me to rant.

Our pick of the answers:

You and I must have been separated from birth. Just stand your ground. Be yourself. Sticks & stones will never hurt me. . . .

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