Sunday 3 March 2013

Your Questions About Women's Pumps Shoes

Carol asks…

Help with women's business suit for an interview-- what shirt/shoes should I wear with a pantsuit?

Background: This is my first real professional interview. I'm flying out to California on Monday to interview for a job at a small software company. I already have a pantsuit, but I need advice on what type of shoes and shirt I should wear with it. I'm afraid that I'll look too mannish (I tried my one white blouse with it, and it looked terrible), but this is my only suit, and I don't want to buy one with a skirt. I've heard that women should wear suits with skirts, but is it acceptable to wear one with pants? I don't really have a good pair of pumps, and after trying on about eight million today, I remain convinced that they are impossible to find. I have a pair of ankle boots that might work, but I'm concerned they might look bad when I cross my legs (you can see the boot). Does anyone have any advice? TL;DR: Is it okay to wear a suit with pants instead of a skirt (looking more for reassurance here because I'm more comfortable in this and don't want to have to buy something different)? What kind of shirt should I wear to look more feminine, and what kind of shoes should I wear? Pictures-- These are my boots (in black)|50447|66672&Fltr=&Srt=&QL=F&IND=15&cmVirtualCat=&CmCatId=50434|50447|66672|66673 My suit looks similar to this (it's also Anne Klein, but it has a three button jacket)

Our pick of the answers:

Relax! The suit is lovely and the boots are perfect with it. A little trick I learnt years ago was to dress for six. How do you do it? Count each piece of visible clothing as one. So, jacket, trousers, boots are three. You have three to play with. You can either have a plain t shirt or blouse and a couple of pieces of discreet jewellery or a patterned t shirt or blouse and one piece of jewellery. The rule is that each piece of clothing counts as one, unless it's patterned or coloured in which case it's two points. Start with the basic outfit and add accessories to make up the six points. Look at really stylish women and count, you'll see it works. For the evening take the count down to four or five maximum. To look great, you need to feel comfortable in your outfit. If I were you, I would choose a simple t shirt to go under the jacket and accessorise with a really nice necklace and simple earrings. The biggest and best accessory you can wear is a confident smile. Go for it and good luck!

Susan asks…

Which are the sexiest shoes - and does anyone find "stripper shoes" sexy?

I love heels, on boots and shoes. I love court shoes (pumps for the americans) and court shoes with ankle straps, and I adore strappy heels for going out. I can't stand those "stripper shoes" with the platforms though, which seem so popular at the moment. It's not just the stripper connotations, it's the fact that they're so damn ugly. Would any man want to kiss a woman's toes if she was wearing those? Yuck! Which do you like?

Our pick of the answers:

I don't really like the HUGE platforms. It's definitley a fashion DISASTER! I like what you like! (:

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If you're interested, read more here high heels

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