Friday 15 January 2016

Your Questions About Ladies Shoes For Men

Laura asks…

Do the men on here liken themselves to Jews in Nazi Germany?

I saw this comment on another question: "Men blaming feminism is equivalent to the Jews blaming nazism. Feminists are guilty and need to take responsibility for their actions, not use men as a scapegoat" And then another user agreed with him. I'm just curious. Maxi R and Griz: Obviously that is just as ridiculous. But i'm not claiming that.

Our pick of the answers:

It underlines their self victimization, failures in professional and personal life and inability to cope with everyday responsibilities every adult has to deal with. Weakness is appalling to everyone; therefore they feel the need for a crutch of imaginary circumstances to support their pathetic agenda. Ignorance on every subject does not stop them from blindly reaching for the most shameful episode of world history ever known to humanity. They don't have any idea of what they are preaching here. World sat around and watched without moving a finger for years as Nazi Germans first economically destroyed, physically marked for death and eventually killed by gassing, burning, hanging and shooting approximately six millions of Jewish people of Europe. There were other atrocities: human skin was used for lamp shades, gloves and shoes. Parents systematically watched their children killed in front of them. Jews of Europe were placed in concentration camps with no heat, food or medical help. Some of the Jewish people from Western Europe, who were fortunate enough to purchase a ticket on a vessel traveling to USA, were TURNED AWAY from our Lady Liberty and her promise of freedom for ALL. They were bombed and drowned in an ocean knowing that world simply couldn't care less for their plight to offer a helping hand. We all should be ashamed for our ancestors' failure in humanity, their bigotry and indifference to tragedy of other human beings. And, we should never forget the ci rcumstances, because inability to learn from history and our mistakes in it guaranties tragedy repeating itself.

Linda asks…

What do you Ladies think the perfect height for a man is?

I am just interested to see what everyone says and I am 5'11 with shoes by the way so I guess I am at a good height. I just want to see if any taller girls would date a guy that is about their height or a guy that they are either taller than them or taller than them with heels.

Our pick of the answers:

I really don't have a set height, as long as he is taller than me is all that matters to me. I'm just a hair under 5'7. My husband is 5'11 which I do consider the perfect height alongside me. It's funny though, my mom is 5'2 and my dad is 6'5...others sometimes do a double-take with them, I don't even notice. As far as heels, I don't wear them very often, and if I do nothing more than 3 inches making me almost 5'10.

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