Tuesday 12 January 2016

Your Questions About High Heels

Ruth asks…

Is the higher the heel better?

I have many different styles of shoses and varies heel length. For some reason the higher the heel, I where the more my bf gets turned on. Does this make a impact on the guys thinking of sex?

Our pick of the answers:

You're BF might just really be into heels!! And if you're wearing them for YOURSELF then that's what matters! High heels do so much for a woman...Forget what half of the ignorant fools who answered your question said..They're just typing for points... As for "The higher the heel the better..." The true answer is NOT ALWAYS!! If your BF is really into You, not the shoes, he'll appreciate you for wearing what's right for the moment. When I say that I mean think about what you're wearing overall and where you're going with him. If it's a huge fair, where you KNOW you'll be walking all day, then be realistic and wear sensible shoes. You'll be happier all day and then you can tease the crap out of him by wearing your highest out to dinner that night rather than being in so much pain you HAVE to wear tennies for dinner... But if you're going out for dinner and a movie, go high! (As in heels...) You know you're not going to be walking all over the place and most of the evening will be sitting. So wearing a heel that's more challenging will be appreciated and a definite turn on. Also consider the terrain you're traversing. It doesn't make sense to wear a 5" stiletto to the park, knowing you're going to be walking on grass...Or 6" plats to the beach...to walk in sand...(Swim suit models RARELY walk in the sand in their heels...) As for heel height vs. Thinking of sex, heels can definitely be linked to both men's, and woman's libido. A stiletto can be a reference to a phallic image...This can be extended to the thought of the higher a heel, the more a girl wants sex if correlated to the male anatomy during arousal....It may also indicate the arousal state of the wearer...Not aroused = low heel, very aroused = high heel...The higher the heel the more she's interested. But this is dependent on the man involved and his personal view of heels :-) But REMEMBER ONE THING...This applies to both the WEARERS interest level and how the partner correlates heels to sex. We're not talking specifically about the the man's interest in sex. (And there a LOT of sub-conscience involvement here...) Another thing that might be turning him on is the fact that heels reduces mobility of the wearer. The higher the heel the greater the challenge you face in otherwise normal situations. Ever wear heels on highly polished marble floors? That's a real challenging situation because the floors are very slick and it's easy to have a heel slip out from under you. (Had that happen before!!) Also, you're not able to run away making it more likely you'll be leaving with him, not someone else. They may make him feel more powerful and in control because you may need his support in some situations. He may even correlate the higher heels to a certain level of submissiveness toward him. Who knows?? In closing, wear the heels you like to wear. If you're into really high heels, and are comfortable wearing them, DO IT!! If you'd like to wear lower, or no heels, for a date, DO IT!! Enjoy yourself and his interest in your footwear! Who knows where your shoes will take your relationship :-)

Jenny asks…

advantage of high heels ?

Does high heels make your feet more attactive?

Our pick of the answers:

These high heels pictures do! Http://www.womenlifestyle.com/images/high_heels.jpg http://www.highheelsforwomen.com/high-heels-for-women.jpg http://www.dailypainters.com/images/origs/1138/legs__red_high_heels_2.jpg

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If you're interested, read more here high heels

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