Thursday 21 April 2016

Your Questions About Fox News

Maria asks…

Why does fox news claim to be unbiased and then throw a fit when some points out it has a conservative lean?

To be fair MSNBC and CNN have a super liberal lean... But for fox news to claim it is unbiased is completely false. I do believe it is fair for the conservatives to have they're own news stations but to claim your fair and balanced when your not is dumb. Hannity, glen beck, Billy 'o Reily, Bret Bumne, and virtually all of the anchors have conservative leanings. I mean come on... The viewership is like 80% conservative.

Our pick of the answers:

Fox News caters to people who are not intelligent enough to think for themselves. Anyone with intelligence knows they have a conservative lean, however it is wealthy conservatives that want to keep working class people down, how better than to have a news channel they call "Fair and Balanced" and convince working people of low intelligence level they should vote against their own best interests.

Lisa asks…

Why do Fox News and CNN have such a difference in the amount of delegates each candidate has recieved?

I have been watching the 2008 presidential election religiously. I noticed that Obama is a lot closer according to Fox News than he is on CNN. As of this moment, Obama is 42 behind on Fox News, and 72 behind on CNN. How can 2 different news sources have 2 completely different totals?

Our pick of the answers:

Some results include the superdelegates and some do not. A superdelegate is basically someone with power within the party--Democratic representatives, senators, governors, etc. Superdelegates also include former Presidents (Bill, anyone?), Speakers of the House, Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, and so on. Clinton has more of these superdelegates pledged to her, but some news stations are not counting them until the convention.

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If you're interested , read more here Your Questions About Fox News

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