Saturday 26 October 2013

Your Questions About Women's Platforms

Linda asks…

How can liberals claim to support women's rights when they supported Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy?

Bill Clinton sexually harassed women and was accused of rape. Ted Kennedy killed a woman by driving drunk and letting her drown. Why were they given a pass by the left?

Our pick of the answers:

Nice try. Here is the GOP platform: Fake outrage and loud noises! Very large pants! Tattoo of bald eagle with Budweiser can in its talon on chest! Anti-tax rally in the middle of the work day! Women in the kitchen! -A. Republican

Susan asks…

This is for the really smart people on the Right side of the aisle?

The Republican Party has decided to make a woman's right to have an abortion a part of their 2008 Party Platform How did they write it so that it was acceptable to the party faithful Please not that "It would never happen " is not an acceptable answer OK campers it's a hypothetical queston which actually does have an historical reason why that could be so Spike :NYC insult session rules >no mothers unless agreed to by both parties

Our pick of the answers:

If YOU know so damned much, tell US how they did it!

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