Wednesday 22 April 2015

Your Questions About High Heels Without Heel

Lisa asks…

High heels: Better With or Without Pantyhose?

My co-worker made fun of me because she said she's never seen me wear pantyhose once in five years, despite wearing high heels everyday. I told her I never wear pantyhose because I don't own any, and I don't know any woman under 40 years old who does. She said she loves pantyhose and that they are classy and should be worn at work with heels. I told her she is a nasty old hag and her pantyhose proves it. Who's right? Are high heels better With or Without Pantyhose?

Our pick of the answers:

I think that high heels look better with pantyhose. High heels are classy and dressy, and the bare leg to me looks casual. Bare legs for me do not enhance high heels. Pantyhose for me PLUS high heels, making them look fancier, classier, and dressier. Pantyhose make high heels "pop". Do you think Beyonce looks like a nasty old hag in this picture? Http:// Do you think Hayden Panettiere looks like a nasty old hag in this picture? Http:// Do you think Zooey Deschanel looks like a nasty old hag in this picture? Http:// Do you think that the woman in this picture looks like a nasty old hag? Http:// I think that it was wrong of your co-worker to make fun of you for not wearing pantyhose. Can I assume that this co-worker is over the age of 40? Is she the only woman in the office who wears pantyhose? If so, your co-worker has probably had it with the women who hate pantyhose. She likes them, she wears them a lot, she feels that they make her legs look nice. But she may get unsolicited comments from all the other women about how they cannot stand them. Why she took it out on you I don't know. Yes, wearing pantyhose has a lot to do with age. Between 1970 and 1990, pantyhose seemed to be everywhere and seldom was heard a discouraging word. As the 1990's progressed, pantyhose slowly began to disappear from women's legs. Pantyhose were declared passe by the fashion crowd, and they declared their beliefs with scorn and mockery. The level of negativity was really harsh: "Pantyhose are for old ladies", "Pantyhose are for fat people who can't control themselves", etc. Local news shows added to the scorn by featuring local interest news stories about how much women hate pantyhose. Then the pantyhose bashing spread to sitcoms and movies as a plot element. Many, many teen aged girls who want to wear pantyhose have posted "Is it OK to wear pantyhose?" questions to this very forum, because the culture has literally become saturated with pantyhose trash talk. They want to wear pantyhose but, they are, apparently, afraid of being taunted or stared at. They know that they are NOT SUPPOSED to wear, let alone like pantyhose. Even if a young lady has no feelings about pantyhose one way or the other, she knows darn well that saying "Pantyhose suck" is much safer than saying something "nice" about pantyhose. Are you following the crowd, saying that you hate pantyhose because you think you are supposed to? You probably have never seen your friends, older sisters, or cousins wearing pantyhose. You have no daily role models who wear pantyhose. If you don't want to give pantyhose a try, that's your business. If you do decide to try pantyhose, you might be able to mend your relationship with your co-worker by asking for her advice. If you go this route, tell her that you've heard that pantyhose can be scratchy and you don't want to be uncomfortable. If she knows her stuff, she should be able to guide you to pantyhose that feel good and are comfortable to wear.

Donna asks…

high heels?

i have these heels and i can walk fine in them but should i wear them 2 school? i walk all over my high school but how long can you wear them without your feet hurting

Our pick of the answers:

School and heels...This is a matter of personal preference really...But there are several things to consider... What grade/year are you in school? How old are you? Are you GOOD at wearing heels?? Have you tried wearing them to say, the mall for a long shopping trip? What kind and how high are the heels? What is the overall appearance you're going for? There's WAY too many variables in this question... Some simple advice...Look at what others in your immediate age group are wearing for footwear and then consider what you want to wear...Do the shoes make you appear much older than you really are? If so, I would say not for daily wear but special events, like the Prom, School Dance, any concerts you may be involved in as a performer. How high are they?? I remember one girl who decided to wear red thigh high, 5" stiletto boots, over tight jeans. She immediately had a reputation regardless of her actual actions. She also had very sore feet by lunch and carried her incredible boots around the rest of the day...Rather embarrassing I would think...If you're going with very high heels (4"+) make sure you can handle them all day... Present an overall appearance that's classy and adult and you'll get along fine. Appearing more adult in your dress and demeanor may hurt relationships with your peers though. And also remember that drastic changes all of a sudden may turn some away from you. You want to stand out but not completely out!! Some GREAT people to ask would be some of your female teachers. If you can, take a pic of the outfit with you to school and approach one of them with this question. They are more in tune with the the trends than you think!! And if you speak with some of the younger ones, they're not too far off your age group as well. They can guide you through their real-life experiences. Also ask some of your girlfriends...Have them come over to preview what you're thinking about. Get their feedback and consider it as well. Just remember, it's still YOUR identity you're creating, not their version of you!! To wear or not to wear is a matter of overall environment also. If you walk to school through rough areas, forget it. Don't make yourself too vulnerable. Wear something that you can maneuver in as well. There's little that's more embarrassing than jumping for joy only to fall on your tush because of your shoes :-) I wish you the best in your decision here. It's a hard call but there are resources available to you that you probably haven't even thought about I'm sure :-)

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