Tuesday 24 December 2013

Your Questions About Women's Platforms

Jenny asks…

How can i teach my dad how to play volleyball?

He's in his 40s, and when he makes his platform, he just puts his hands together (like if you clap and then freeze)! I keep on telling him the correct way, but he just goes back to his own ways after.

Our pick of the answers:

Patience is needed more than anything else. Keep showing him the correct way to pass the ball. As long as the heels of his hands are together and his thumbs are together, his platform will be correct. It sounds like he is using the "prayer" hands formation. Work on getting his arms straight and passing the ball. He needs to pretend he is handing a heavy bucket to the target. But above all, be patient with him. Two reasons. One is that he will learn it if you keep working with him. The other reason is that you can be grounded for being too mean. (Just kidding.) And a note to anonymous, 40 to 50 is not too old to play volleyball. There is a 75 and over men's division and a women's 70 and over division at USAV nationals. There are quite a few 40+ people that you would not want on the other side of the court. Karch is over 45

Helen asks…

Would cats like this? If there was a platform 7 feet off the ground all over the house?

Like if every wall had a continuous shelf just above head level and maybe a few suspended trestles criss crossing the ceiling with platforms and lookouts. Don't you think cats would love this? They could walk around and look at things from up high. Should I build something like this?

Our pick of the answers:

There is a really good website taht shows this woman's house - she has done this exact thing & the cats love it. BUT - she has stopping places taht are wide enough to sleep on in the middle, and they do not cross over any appliances (like the stove or the sink) and they have stairs to get up there so no jumping up or down unless the cats want to. Make it so you can take it down - or how else are you going to sell your house in the future ?

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