Monday 30 September 2013

Your Questions About Women's Platforms

Lizzie asks…

What do you think of women's social services Idea? what type of initiatives does our ummah need?

I posted this already but many users weren't online can you quickly check out this women's social services initiative: what do you think - is there a need for something like this? how do i let ppl know? and i would buy a proper website name once i know that there's an actual demand for it What types of initiatives does our ummah need?

Our pick of the answers:

Salam. This is great mashaAllah - but I think you need to get a sister like Amanda on-board as the Advisor - she is quite focused on practical solutions for the Ummah and especially for our sisters, as her answer already shows - and she is in a good position to see the Ummah from outside, as well as inside, being a revert, but also being someone I know personally as an intelligent person. I think you will first need to research your area and community to begin simply, advertise in local muslim community centres or mosques (and a good way is to speak with those already active within your community and known for their taqwa and knowledge) - begin by focusing first on the main issues in the community - eg, if there are a lot of reverts in the area, then focus on helping in what they need help in first (which will probably involve learning the basics, supporting them, helping them fit in with the community by connecting to other good and knowledgeable sisters, homelessness, and other issues they may be faced with from their non-muslim families, etc) Eventually you can add a marriage service, looking for spouses - this is always important - as well as knowledge circles for sisters - these and all else will need someone with significant knowledge, sister for the sisters) Another important focus is funding the service, and becomming self-sufficient. The ideas on the site are good - you can begin with donation and volunteers . And generally, if you start doing good work, inshaAllah some brothers/sisters will notice and help in this area - and if it is sincere, Allah swt will help it inshaAllah. Using volunteers who contribute their time, wealth, and expertise - and the sincere will inshaAllah - especially if you are sincere in this project and promote the reality of every sacrifice for Islam being eternally and supremely rewarded - can be an excellent way to being independent and self-sufficient - as well as effortlessly providing a lot of valuable services - it will help unite the community even. There are a lot of amazing possibilities if such an initiative is sincere and has a few sincere brothers/sisters who will sacrifice for its success. Just some thoughts - theoretically, it is excellent - fulfilling many islamic obligations, such as da'wah to Allah swt, helping other believers, helping the oppressed amongst the nonmuslim women, encouraging goodness and knowledge, etc - For social services to be truly helpful, it needs to be easily accessible, accomodating, simple, etc - as those who generally require these services are already in difficulties. Since there is not much info given on the site or on this question, we can't speak on specifics - but generally, this is a great initiative, if it leads to a revival of tawheed, love of Islam, promotion of Islam within non-muslims expecially women - many of whom are silently suffering under the falsehood that they are liberated - and a return to knowledge, and rebuilding muslim communities strictly upon Qur'an and Sunnah according to the understanding of the Salaf. It can eventually end up being a platform on which Islam is promoted and made prominent within the muslim communities, many of whom are severely ignorant, and amongst nonmuslims - this is also how the Prophet saws started his daw'ah, and how he was helped by people and believed in - and many ayaat revealed on it. Eg surah 107 (The Small Kindnesses) - which connects social services with Iman. Wassalam.

Susan asks…

Why do people complain when they find out someone's vote was swayed by a social issue?

Social issues are just as much part of a nominee's platform as foreign policies and economic policies. Yes, many people decided on this election based on the President's ideology on gay marriage. I've seen it in this section before. I wasn't one of those people, because I currently live in Canada half the time, and I couldn't make it in for election day. (I have dual citizenship because of my parents, but I've lived at both and still come the US pretty often). However, when looking at US History, plenty of people voted for Woodrow Wilson's second term because they knew something would come out of the Women's Suffrage movement. I don't care how "good" your fiscal policy may be; if your social policy consists of another group of people being mistreated, I'm not voting for you. You may have the best economic policy, but if your social policy consists of reinstating the Back-to-Africa movement, I'm not voting for you. Kyle, I'm not answering that. If you're a US citizen in the politics section, you should be familiar with US history. Otherwise you're only making it worse for everyone else. Also, the US economy is SUPPOSED to be half socialistic. That's how it works. It's half socialism and half capitalism. That's why you don't pay a monthly firefighter insurance. However, after much fear mongering from the right, the word socialism has an undeserved negative connotation, when both socialism and capitalism can be horrific when standing alone.

Our pick of the answers:

They're still bitter about the results of this election.

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