Wednesday 29 October 2014

Your Questions About Guess Shoes For Men

Carol asks…

Why should men get off everytime and women take a backseat?

I feel men get off every time no matter what. It's almost a gurantee. Women do not, simple. If the shoe was on the other foot and I knew that not everytime we had sex, my man got off I would make sure he did. How can you use someone like this. Get your pleasure and leave her hanging? I feel it is VERY selfish.

Our pick of the answers:

I agree, it's not right for a man to satisfy himself each time and not see to it that he satisfies the woman too. I've even known women who say their husband complains if she doesn't enjoy sex with him each time. As if this is her fault and he feels she is cheating him out of enjoying himself even more, because she failed to enjoy it. I'm serious, I've known women who have husbands like this. Or there are men who feel if the woman isn't enjoying the sex then the least she could do is pretend she is enjoying it so it will be good for him. There are a lot of selfish men out there. Some of them even feel that there is no excuse for a woman not to have sex with her husband when she is sick. Why should he have to do without, it's not his fault she's sick. I guess if you let a man treat you like crap, then that's how he will treat you. If you don't speak up and insist that you want to be satisfied too, then he will only concern himself about his own needs. Some men get it! They understand that their wife's needs are just as important as theirs and making their wife happy makes them happy too. Unfortunately there are a lot of men out there who don't get it and never will.

Betty asks…

Why does everyone at my work get static electric shocks from a door handle?

The taps in the kitchen, the door handle leaving the office and metal dividers between desks all give off static shocks. It's a high rise tower in Sydney CBD if that could have anything to do with it. Some days they're not there. Today in different shoes I haven't been getting shocks for instance. Why do we get the shocks? How can we stop them?

Our pick of the answers:

The reason you see a difference from some days to others is the humidity. Very hot or very cold tends to be less humid so build up is worse. I would guess the biggest cause is a carpet. Man made materials are bad. Your clothing and shoes can make things worse. The static is on you so anything earthed gives you a shock. You can buy static guard but a carpet would be a large area to spray. I would say you need to get rid of it and go for laminate. A humidifier may help but not in large spaces. Touching the ear of a coworker is a more fun way to discharge yourself but of course doesn't stop the shock.

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