Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Your Questions About High Heels Without Heel

Lizzie asks…

ladies only please high heels?

me and niki was talking yesterday about some of high heels the celebs are wearing niki told me that most of them have platforms that got me thinking ladies what are the highest heels you own/wear/ever tried on without platforms i mean no platform at all thanks bye

Our pick of the answers:

Most are 6-7 Inches with Platform! And 5 without!!! But I do have a couple of 4 inch heels!!!

Lisa asks…

Women who wear high heels?

I think a woman wearing high heels is extremely sexy. I like a woman in heels with dresses, skirts, and even blue jeans. I wish my wife would wear them more often. She tells me that they hurt her feet; the higher the heel the more it hurts. Even when I can convince her to wear heels, she can barely walk (literally, like she is drunk) in them in the first place and complains about being in pain 1 or 2 hours into it. I wouldn't be so confused by this, but I see women who seem to wear heels every day or all day, of varying heights, and walk long distances in them. They don't seem to be in pain, and they seem to be able to walk normal without any problems at all. Question 1-3: Is wearing heels really that painful or is my wife just telling me this for some reason? Do they make comfortable heels? Are expensive heels more comfortable than cheap heels? Question 4-5: If heels are so painful, how can all these other women wear them so high, and so long, and walk just fine? Is there a special way to wear or walk in heels, or a special type of shoe to buy, which will make it better? Question 6-7: Do you have any suggestions or advice pertaining to my situation? How do I get my wife to wear heels for me more often, if at all, and not complain about it?

Our pick of the answers:

1. Wearing heels is painful at first but usually if you break them in, they're not too bad. Wearing flats or running shoes is more comfortable though. 2. They do make comfortable heels, you just have to find them. I'm sure they are more expensive... 3. Yes, in MOST cases more expensive heels are easier to walk in and generally more comfortable. 4. Practice. 5. Not sure. I usually walk the same in most heels or flats.. I think?! 6. Nope. 7. Tell her you think it's sexy. Maybe leave a hint that she doesn't have to wear them out of the house for hours and hours but just a little bit at home when she's preparing dinner or when you're about to have a romantic night in? :)

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If you're interested, read more here high heels

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