Friday, 14 February 2014

Your Questions About Women's Platforms

Sharon asks…

Is Akin the only Republican against abortion even in the case of rape?

If he isn't, why is the Republican party so eager to get him out of the race in Missouri after he's just said the party platform or at least the feeling of the majority of the Republican base and/or his very own constituents?

Our pick of the answers:

No. Both Romney and Ryan have stated that they are. The Republican War on Women produced 1,100 bills against women in 2011. They're on track to top that in 2012. Republicans are all about demeaning women, humiliating women, and pushing women out of the public sphere. Here is just a sampling of what they are doing: - Every GOP Senator voted AGAINST Equal Pay for Women Act - Every GOP Senator voted AGAINST Al Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment - Every GOP member voted FOR Anti-Safe Abortion Legislation - Every GOP member voted FOR Blunt/Rubio Amendment. While it doesn't allow employers to deny male employees or dependents health coverage for vasectomy or Viagra, it allows employers to deny female employee & female dependents contraception, tubes tied, and hysterectomies. - GOP writes many "personhood" bills declaring life begins at conception, which outlaws many forms of birth control, cancer treatment, and ectopic pregnancy surgery to save the woman's life - GOP blocks Violence Against Women Act - GOP redefines rape - GOP writes legislation to force probe metal prongs up a woman's vagina against her or her doctor's will - GOP changes legal term for victims of rape, stalking, and domestic violence to "accuser" - GOP writes legislation that could make it legal to murder a doctor who provides abortion care. (South Dakota) - GOP writes legislation to cut nearly a billion dollars of aid to low-income pregnant women, mothers, babies, and kids. - GOP writes legislation that would let hospitals allow a woman to die rather than perform an abortion necessary to save her life. - GOP writes law cutting ALL funding for low-income kids saying "Women should really be home with the kids, not out working (Maryland) - GOP Cuts Funding for Head Start, by $1 Billion. - Two-thirds of the elderly poor are women: GOP writes Bill to CUT funding for employment services, meals, and housing for senior citizens. - GOP Candidates for President vow and pledge to Cut Funding for Planned Parenthood. - GOP voted for a Amendment to cut all federal funding from Planned Parenthood health centers. - GOP writes Bill to eliminate all funds for Federal Family Planning Program. - GOP writes Bill to Provide Contraception for wild horses but ENDS all Federal Funding for Family Planning, including contraception coverage. (Dan Burton(R)) You can google any of these. Get the picture? Those who don't now will in November. ##

Sandra asks…

Where can I find legit suppliers of mens branded shoes and hats.?

So I am starting up my own retail business and everything is going smoothly as far as woman's clothing, unfortunately I can not find any wholesale providers for mens nikes, adidas shoes e.c.t or snapback hats. Does anyone know of any please? I will be buying in bulk orders so I need someone who does that, and they MUST be real, do not bring me fake stuff thanks. This can really help me out. Thanks in advance.

Our pick of the answers:

I think you can take help from online business platforms. Platforms like & and many more. These types of platforms helps you to find out legit suppliers of mens shoes & hats from across the globe. Best of Luck!

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If you're interested, read more here womens shoes

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