Sandy asks…
where is a good place to buy a dress for a bat mitzvah?
ok im goin 2 a bat mitzvah and i dont kno where to buy a dress b/c my mom wont buy it if its rly expensive so i need some help. i need some1 2 tell me a place that they kno of that sells kids dresses that r in style and r cheep but still fancy... ty guys i appreciate it!
Our pick of the answers:
I just had a bat mitzvah a week or two ago, and I was so clueless as to where I should go, and what level of fancy should I look for. I found the answer in a number... 21...Forever 21 I bought the perfect dress for $11.50. It was so freakin' awesome, I couldn't believe it. It was really cute, and Forever 21 has so many awesome designs and different styles, it's hard not to be pleased. Jewelry, too. I'm 13 and in the 7th grade so I got size small, and it fits me fine. My bat mitzvah thing was on a yacht and it was fairly windy, so I took that into consideration when buying. My shoes I bought at Macy's, so I suggest you go to department stores, if you need some shoes. The shoes aren't as cheap, but w/ the dress at that price, I didn't mind! Oh, and, you'll be dancing A I suggest you have tiny, or no heels, or else your feet will get mad at you. Haha I'm guessing you're around my age. If you are, do not dress up too much. You do not want to out dress the main girl, that would make her feel bad. Bat mitzvahs aren't as dressy for kids, but it all depends on what type of crowd you're w/ and where you're at. Have so much fun, and bring a friend when you're shopping, they'll tell you what looks good and what doesn't if you're clueless. Good luck!
Maria asks…
Where do you shop for clothes?
I'm just wondering how many people actually shop at Abercrombie and Hollister, or if there are a lot of people who have their own style too. EDIT: I'm not saying you have no sense of style if you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister. I even shop at Hollister sometimes, but it just gets so pricey that I want to know what other stores people shop at. Okay, so please don't take offense to it.
Our pick of the answers:
I shop anywhere I can get something cute, that stupid moose doesn't have anything on me.... Lol... I don't go for the name brands. Yeah I've found some cute stuff at Hollister and Abercrombie... And American Eagle, But I go more to Aeropostale, Wet Seal, Anchor Blue, Forever 21, Macy's, JCPenny, Kohls, Guess ,Charlotte Russe and I even saw these cute shoes at WalMart!!! But you should see people at my school... It's like prep city (No Offense, I've been called a prep too, just lack of better words..) it's just like there are so many wanna be rich people who literally have EVERYTHING from Abercrombie and Hollister.... If you don't wear it you're OUT. It sucks... And their clothes might not even look good!Lol. Just thought i'd share that.
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