Monday, 5 May 2014

Your Questions About Jessica Simpson Shoes

Maria asks…

What happened to Jessica Simpson?

Our pick of the answers:

Pappa joe happenned! Never let ur parents run your career her music is no longer any good but her shoes and purses are so cute

Carol asks…

reviews on the jessica simpson and ken paves hair do extensions?

im considering buying the 15 inch wavy synthetic jessica simpson extensions

Our pick of the answers:

Getting extensions are not that easy, like buying shoes. Buying JS's extensions, you will also need to hire Ken to help make you look like Jessica. People waste tons of money on extensions because it's the new trend. Without doing much research. Then, they come to YA HAIR and ask us questions on how to clip it on their hair, if they can go swimming, play sports, if they can dye or perm, etc. It's really not that simple! Then again, it will not work out if you have thin hair, the clip will be showing through! How embarrassing will that be, if it keeps falling out from your head, if it's not on right!?! Kate Gosselin got hers from a salon, and she was on the front cover of People magazine, but she HATED her hair!!!! Access Hollywood. She paid $7,000 for hers. Took 7 hours. At the salon: 25-50 ($50-$100) extensions, they also have hidden costs, like monthly maintenance fees, one girl charge YA poster $248 more saying the salon put 120 extensions on her head, but she only counted 60. They are very charming! Jessica Simpson & Paris Hilton don't even use their own hair extensions, plus they have stylists to do them in photo shoots or travel with them. Jessica was photographed, showing her clip-ons during a windy day. BTW: The 29-year-old socialite was sued Wednesday 8-12-10 in Los Angeles for allegedly breaching a contract to promote and wear hair extensions manufactured by Hairtech International Inc. The company is seeking $35 million in damages — 10 times what it paid Hilton for her endorsement. Hairtech claimed Hilton did not wear the company's extensions as promised and missed a launch party in 2007 because she was in jail. The lawsuit claims Hilton agreed to wear Hairtech International Inc.'s extensions, but sported the fake locks of a competitor in 2008. Do you think you'll have time for school, trying to put on hair extensions over 1 hour every morning? "Britney Spears' Hair Extensions Fall Out!" 7-21-10 EXAMPLES OF WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ABOUT their HAIR EXTENSIONS well on friday i got synthetic extensions, and they dont curl very well, so i was wondering if i plaited them and left them over night would they go crinkly and mix in with my real hair because theyre fake i dont know if i can actually style them very well, which is annoying! +they are starting too get ratty, any tips on how to take care of them ? Thanks! And another ex: I have sewn in hair extensions. My natural hair is neck-length, and these extensions are down to my chest. They're sewn in (if you didn't already know) with black tracks, while the hair is my natural hair colour: brown. But I want to have it up in a high-ish ponytail. But, obviously, the tracks are really obvious. How can I make them less obvious? I hate having to have my hair down all the time. I've always wanted it, but now I'm getting bored. :/ One more ex: I removed my hair extensions yesterday after 4 months. My hair is really thin does any1 no any good products to thicken it? And another ex: i bought 100 dollars clip in 100% human hair extensions and it hurts and pulls my hair. U shud just wait til it grows out. My hair was real short and i wanted extensions real bad and now i feel bad wasting 100 bucks on that where i cud of spent it on clothes or sumother beauty thing. Ur not going to wear them after a while cuz u get annoyed having to keep clipping them in and all or whateever kind of extensions ur getting. This one says it all: i have had hair extensions done in a hairdressers in melton mowbray 3weeks ago. I have been told they are 100% real hair but they look terrible,it looks like i have been back-combing it. If i curl them it just goes frizzy and if i straighten them it also goes very frizzy with the back-coming look. I have bought all the products that was advised and i have looked after them the way i was told to. I have had hair extensions before and they were lovely, i had no problems. I have been back 2 times to the hairdressers for help and advise and i was told that the hair is rubbing on my shoulders which is giving the back-combing look (my shoulders are not that big). I am now asking for my money back and the hair taken out but they are refusing. I have spoke to the hairdressing federation and they told me to call trading standards, they said to get them tested but i do not know where to send them. Thanks for any help. FYI: HAIRSTYLES GUYS THINK InStyle magazine Feb. Issue in front of me, thanks for asking . . . . 20,000 men on how they responded: Which hairstyle is the hottest? 89% long waves - Anne Hathaway, 12% choppy bob - Keira Kightley, 8% Pixie crop - Halle Berry. Hair extensions: 80% NOT, 16% HOT

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