Thursday, 14 August 2014

Your Questions About Womens Platforms Uk

Mandy asks…

What dress would you wear with these heels and bag? - shoes - bag Links to dresses would be very nice :) or just suggestions on colours and styles. I'm from the UK, so UK stores only please xxxx

Our pick of the answers:

Http://[223017|208523]&noOfRefinements=1 Black is sexy and it will make you look femenine, dont use any jewelry, just a pair or earring maybe.. Mm... Black, or diamond, and you are done!

Laura asks…

help finding these shoes!? (white wedge boots) fashion!?

If you click on the link bellow - It should take you to republic! I love the leggings, but I am dying for those shoes! If you click on another preview picture (the top one) you can see them from the side and tell they are wedges! But there not on the site... And I have no idea where the model got them from!! Could anyone help me find them? Or something very similar? I would be sooo greatful! I searched for white wedge boots but nothing came up:( thanks in advance!

Our pick of the answers:

Http:// there are more on ebay some other sites

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If you're interested, read more here high heels

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